
日本語版 広告デザイン



× 北朝鮮を増長させた国防軽視




× 日本を衰退させる増税・バラマキ政策






衆院選2017 幸福実現党 政策集

英語版 広告デザイン


Two resolutions to save Japan from crisis.

Disregarding national defense allowed North Korea to grow dangerous.

First resolution:
Protect our country by ourselves.

● Promote nuclear shelters.
● Enforce deterrence by increasing volume of defense equipment.
● Abolish three non-nuclear principles.
● Exclude North Korea from being covered under Article 9 of the Constitution.※

※Remove North Korea from “peace-loving peoples,” which is stipulated in the preamble of the Constitution.


Tax increase and pork-barrel politics hurt Japan

Second resolution:
Reduce consumption tax rate to 5 percent/p>

【Transition of tax revenue in general account】Made by Happiness Realization Party based on the data “transition of tax revenue in general account” from Ministry of Finance website.


Increasing consumption tax rate will worsen earnings of companies, which will lead to decreasing salaries, meaning total tax revenue will decrease. Decreasing consumption tax rate will promote individual consumption and businesses will prosper.
3 percent consumption tax rate started
3 percent → 5 percent Consumption tax rate increased
5 percent → 8 percent Consumption tax rate increased
Consumption tax rate of 10 percent?

Clean politics with brave decisions.
HRP has 17 local assembly members (as of Oct. 10, 2017)



衆院選2017 幸福実現党 政策集
